
In 1956 the Army Core of Engineers flooded out the small town, of Oscar Ville, Georgia. They were to make way for the construction of Lake Lanier, which was

a by-product of the completion of the Buford Dam along the Chattahoochee River. Seven hundred families were either bought out or forced out of their homes before

the water rolled in. The poorest of the poor clung to their land to the bitter end. Some were even washed away and never heard of again. The quick construction of

Lake Lanier left no time for the removal of trees, roadways, railways, wooden houses, and concrete structures. Slave graveyards, prison graveyards, and graveyards of the poor were left to the deluge as well. Over the last sixty years, death has come all too often to the people who live in and around this man-made lake. From car and boating accident deaths to the drowning of novice swimmers and professional divers, Lake Lanier has become the final resting place for many of its visitors.

Melissa Cruz, a reporter for Creative Loafing, a newsweekly serving the Atlanta metropolitan area is sent to Lake Lanier to cover a fatal car crash. Her trip to the

lake is short-lived. Sheriff Gunnison, the County Sheriff of Lake Lanier, confronts Melissa and removes her from the property surrounding the Lake. He falsely accuses

her of not having the required permits to do her job. She’s forced to return home without the story.

In the short time that it took Melissa Cruz to reach Creative Loafing’s headquarters in Atlanta news broke that there’s been another fatality at the Lake.

Her boss commissions her to return to the lake and to do an expose on the history of Lake Lanier and the number of deaths that have taken place there over the years.

Melissa and her three-man crew return to the lake to cover the recent developments. Armed with the proper permits and licenses Melissa leaves no stone

unturned as she searches for answers to the abundance of unsolved deaths in and around the lake.

Melissa stumbles upon Mrs. Hattie, a librarian from the lost town of Oscar Ville. The woman pulls four leather-bound books from her bookcase. The books reveal the past

lives of those who are buried in the cemeteries beneath the Lake, including Oscar Delgado, Melissa’s grandfather. Melissa’s mother confirms that her great-grandfather is indeed none other than Oscar Delgado the serial murderer who is buried in a cemetery beneath the lake. Melissa’s team members also eerily resemble

documented people in the books. A framed picture of a married couple from Mrs. Hattie’s mantel is a dead ringer for Melissa’s assistant, Bria, and a local Officer,

Officer Hendricks. Officer Hendricks is a veteran of Lake Lanier County’s Sheriff's department.

Unknown to Melissa and the team is that no one else besides Officer Hendricks and themselves has ever seen Mrs. Hattie. Officer Hendricks has been the Black sheep of

the precinct ever since he reported seeing Mrs. Hattie and a small community along the Lake. The death count begins to escalate. It starts with a missing boy and his father during

the Employee appreciation day at the park’s hotel. Melissa is on top of the story. Her new nemesis, Sheriff Gunnison, uses his power to interfere with her reporting.

He and his deputies remove Melissa and her crew from the hotel and attempt to escort them to the county’s limits. An urgent crisis at the park grounds summons the

Sheriff and his men. Melissa and the company make their way back to the site where they encountered Mrs. Hattie.

To their surprise, a festive carnival is in full swing in this forgotten town.

Little do they know that the people they see are demonic beasts from the graves beneath Lake Lanier.

The Sheriff and his deputies arrive at the carnival ready for battle. With their shotguns brandished they explode round after round into people.

The people begin to morph as the buckshot rips through their bodies. They turn into half-man half insect creatures with alien-like faces.

They retreat to the water. Melissa’s daughter retreats to the lake as well. She walks on top of the lake. Melissa, her husband, and

crew wade across the lake towards her daughter. Melissa extends her hands and cries out to her daughter. Her daughter cries back. Shotgun blasts ring out.

The blasts pierce through Melissa and her daughter’s flesh. The Officers continue to fire.

Her husband and crew are hit too. Their lifeless bodies descend to the bottom of the Lake.

On shore, a mission-accomplished look on the Sheriff’s face is short-lived because beneath the surface of the Lake along Lake’s floor walks Melissa, her

husband, her daughter, and her crew hand by hand into a house along an underwater grave sight.